6 Weeks From Now,
You’ll Wish You’d Joined Us...
Join us for the Fitt 2 Cut, a 6 week, fun and supportive fitness challenge that will rev up your metabolism and get back the body 2021 has tried to steal from you. 

It’s time, Girlfriend… & we start May 31

Time to ditch the quick fix for real results. What if you: 
  • Knew exactly what to eat to fuel your workouts and EASILY drop pounds?
  • Had a fitness expert to teach you the 3 tools every woman needs to shred fat and get lean?  
  • ​Understood all about macros (and could count them in your sleep)?
  • Never had to step foot in a traditional gym again?
  • ​Could sleep better than you have in YEARS? 
  • ​Could finally fit back into your “skinny” jeans? 
  • ​Had a workout plan that got you REAL results, REALLY fast? 
...what if you could stop wishing you had your dream body, and could do something about it? 

The Fitt 2 Cut Challenge has EVERYTHING you need for success: 

  • NEW! Access to the Fitt 2 Cut program/workouts for life (a $49 value)
  • NEW! Personalized carb cycling macro consultation  (a $197 value)
  • ​6 weeks daily 45 min workouts - 6 days a week - 2 upper body, 2 lower body, 2 Fullbody/HIIT ($349 value)
  • ​NEW! Prep week with video trainings and kick off Q & A call to get you familiar with the materials. 
  • NEW! Detox/Deload week will be the 6th week of the challenge
  • ​Access to the Fitt 2 Cut Comprehensive program guide ($97 value)
  • ​Fitt 2 Cut exclusive recipes to make macro tracking simple ($49 value)
  • New! Weekly education videos from your COACH, ME! 
  • New! Access to private Cut Challenge accountability discussion board
  • ​Daily macro check-ins via our accountability discussion board
  • Weekly accountability check-in giveaways (a $600 value)
That’s a $1300 value - and you get it all for just $199

Trust me, when you join Fitt 2 Cut you’ll put your health and fitness journey on turbo drive. 
You know that if you had a plan that’s easy to follow, you’d see results...but with so many options it’s hard to know what to pick.  

You’re busy - you don’t have time to guess. 

And you’re not a newbie - you’ve tried complicated systems, measuring your food with weird containers, and even a few trends that you’re too embarrassed to admit. 

But as soon as you stop...so do the results. 

Let’s face it - all you want is a plan that gets you fit - think tight tummy and high school girl confidence - is easy to follow, and actually gets you results that don’t disappear the first time you order an appetizer that includes cheesy goodness. 

You’ve proven to yourself cutting calories and doing 2 hours of cardio a day DOES.NOT.WORK. 

It’s time to rethink the way you approach your goals, girlfriend. 

You need the flexibility to have a slice of cake at your kid’s birthday party…

You want to not beat yourself up for indulging in mimosas during brunch....

You need a plan that works with your busy lifestyle - one that accounts for the fun celebrations - without the guilt. 

“I have absolutely loved the Fitt Cycle challenge. I have struggled with diet and exercise for years and wasted money on products that didn't work. I was shocked by the phone app and how Lindsay shows you each exercise from the comfort of your own cozy home. Before Fitt Cycle, I would just get up and do cardio everyday. I lacked the knowledge of Macros, weight training my upper and lower body, and how it makes a difference when you put it all together. Lindsey Huelse is a rockstar and she shows up for her community. She wants to teach you and give you all the tools you need to be healthy and fit.”
 - Jennifer S. -
...or maybe you’ve given up completely. 

You’ve tried, given up, drowned your failure in Cheesecake Factory, and started over again. 

You need wins to stay motivated because you don’t have time to waste on something that isn’t going to work. 
Your ideal fitness plan would give you the quick wins you need to stay motivated AND be super simple because you’re BUSY.
Between being a mom, a wife, the cleaner, the cook, and the teacher this year, you are BURNT.OUT. 

You know you need to make a change - but change seems to work for everyone but you.
“With 2 children under 3 my body has been put on the back burner and this has given me hope and the drive to be a better me! Yes, I could workout on my own and eat better but I don’t. The challenge kept me motivated. I not only feel better but like the way I look.” 
- Jamie R. -
Does this sound familiar: 

“I can’t lose weight without starving myself.”
“I'll never get my body back after having kids.”
“I can’t enjoy cake and be skinny at the same time.”
“My hormones are working against me.”
“I need to stop eating bread and hit the treadmill to lose weight.”
“I’m not motivated enough to stick with anything.”
“I don’t have time.”

...if you are nodding along - you’re in the right place. 

Want to know a secret? It’s not your fault that you’ve struggled to lose weight, trim your tummy and tighten your body. 

You’ve been given so much misinformation - and NO guidance. 

And we’re going to change that RIGHT NOW. 

What if I told you that there’s a signature program for losing weight and getting lean — and it comes in a totally complete, done-for-you package? 

The Fitt 2 Cut Challenge is designed to jump start your weight loss and transform your body in a way you never dreamed. 

And it’s specifically designed for women like you who’ve tried EVERYTHING but can’t seem to get a handle on feeling confident. 

During the Fitt 2 Cut, you will: 
  • Learn how to stay on track when you have NO time
  • Unlock the “secret” that allows you to have your cake (or wine...or cheese…) and still see results
  • ​Learn how to eat (and when) so that you never question yourself when it comes to food
  • ​Finally understand how the “super fit” girls actually stay that way - and still enjoy a PSL occasionally
  • ​Understand what foods work to supercharge fat loss (and what’s keeping the pounds from budging)
  • ​Rev up your fitness game so you see results fast without spending HOURS on the elliptical
  • ​Lose weight and tone up so that you have more energy and confidence - and fit into your “skinny” jeans
This challenge is specifically designed for women like you who don’t have time for another gimmicky weight loss attempt. 

Because you’ve tried EVERYTHING - and it’s time for you to get REAL results and feel confident with what little free time you do have. 

If you’re ready to take DAILY action and finally OWN your health and fitness journey, this challenge is the proverbial kick in the pants you’ve been wanting. 

But...if you’re more comfortable sitting on the sidelines wishing, this probably isn’t a fit. 
"This challenge has been so fun, meeting new incredible women and getting the extra accountability has helped so much! There were a few mornings I woke up not feeling like working out and reached for my phone to read the most encouraging messages from these girls that made me want to get up and be the best version of myself - and that includes getting up and kicking the workout’s butt!"
 - Paula C. -

The Fitt 2 Cut Challenge has EVERYTHING you need for success: 

  • NEW! Access to the Fitt 2 Cut program/workouts for life (a $49 value)
  • NEW! Personalized macro consultation  (a $197 value)
  • ​6 weeks daily 45 min workouts - 6 days a week - 2 upper body, 2 lower body, 2 Fullbody/HIIT ($349 value)
  • ​NEW! Detox/Deload week will be the 6th week of the challenge 
  • ​Access to the Fitt 2 Cut Comprehensive program guide ($97 value)
  • ​Fitt 2 Cut exclusive recipes to make macro tracking simple ($49 value)
  • New! Weekly education videos from your COACH, ME! 
  • New! Access to private Cut Challenge accountability group
  • ​Daily macro check-ins via our accountability group
  • Weekly accountability check-in giveaways (a $600 value)
That’s a $1300 value - and you get it all for just $199

Trust me, when you join Fitt 2 Cut you’ll put your health and fitness journey on turbo drive. 
As a retired nurse and certified nutrition coach, I learned how to get optimal fitness results using the science of intermittent fasting, targeted training and carb cycling. 

This combo focuses on alternating daily carb intake and pairing it with the right workout to promote weight loss - and it works. 

Even if nothing else has. 
During the Fitt 2 Cut Challenge, you’ll get 24-hour access to The Fitt Cycle premier fitness app, along with weekly in-app reminders, Fitt 2 Cut exclusive recipes, an exclusive, supportive discussion board ONLY for our F2C Challengers, the opportunity to team up with a Power Partner for daily accountability and an amazing downloadable workbook where you can track your F2C journey. 

In short, Fitt 2 Cut has EVERYTHING you need for success - and not just temporary success...we’re talking about success that lasts.

No thinking. 

No planning. 

No second guessing. 

Just show up, do the work and watch yourself transform. 
“This is the most ab definition I’ve ever seen!!! I’m 2 years postpartum, have 2 little kids and 2 c-sections! I am thrilled!! Tighter abs and booty gains!! More definition in my legs! I’m staying on plan! ”
 - Johannah V.-


Will I actually lose weight? 
If you follow the program, including both the dietary recommendations AND the workout recommendations, there is a very good chance you will lose weight and/or inches. 

The amount of weight loss you’ll experience depends on your current weight, height, the amount of exercise you get on a weekly basis and if you have any underlying health conditions. 

But typically, our members lose weight and increase muscle mass as a part of the program.  
When will I see a difference?
That depends on how closely you follow the program and the current state of your health. However, many members start noticing a difference in how they feel in only a few days — and they usually notice a difference in their physical appearance in as little as 4 weeks of consistency.  
Will you create a custom plan for me? 
Yes! When you enroll you'll get access to the personalized macro assessment. Fill this out, and I will have your custom macros to you within 48 hours!
How do I access the membership? 
Everything you need to follow the program is available via The Fitt Cycle App and our exclusive F2C Challenge group. Purchasing the Fitt 2 Cut will not give you access to the monthly membership.  
Can I share a membership? 
Unfortunately no. Memberships are available for only one person at a time. If someone wants a membership, they’ll have to sign up for it. 
Can I drink alcohol while doing the challenge?
Yes! As long as it fits into your macros. Alcohol does slow down your metabolism so we suggest that for the best results you save it for a special treat. 
Can my children follow the same style of diet?
They can! There are no special diet foods, only wholesome and healthy foods that you will want your children to eat! 
The Challenge starts on May 31, so don’t wait to join!!

If you’re DONE with excuses…

If you’re tired of having a permanent dent in your favorite couch cushion…

If you’re tired of always telling yourself “someday”...

Now is the time to get all the support you need and learn what it means to actually LOVE what your body is capable of. 

While experiencing what it’s like to be part of an amazingly driven, supportive, GO-GET-’EM community. 

Trust me, 6 weeks from now, you’ll be so glad you joined us. 
Copyright 2020. The Fitt Cycle. All Rights Reserved.